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St Augustine’s School, Westminster, London

Project Status: Completed

Service: Acoustic Design

St Augustine’s School Secondary School is a large comprehensive school, located in the heart of Westminster, London. The school was developed as part of the BSF programme and Cahill Design Consultants’ Managing Director Ben Cahill has worked upon the project from inception to completion, remedial works and commissioning.

The school incorporates a number of specialist areas, including a music department (incorporating recording studio, live room, practice rooms and music classrooms), arts department, humanities department, science department, SENCO areas, IT department, theatre, hall and a large volume atrium.

The design was undertaken in accordance with BB93 ‘Acoustic Design of Schools’ criteria and methodology, in addition to requirements under BREEAM. The building achieved BREEAM Very Good status. CDC was commissioned to oversee remedial works and offer ongoing design advice to the development. This included assessment of mechanical services equipment, sound insulation performances of walls and floors, regular inspections and testing of building elements.

CDC supported Bouygues UK to ensure the building was able to comply with the requirements of BB93 in the most time and cost effective manner. At times this had to be done while the School was still operational. The building has been occupied for a number of years and complies with the requirements of BB93.