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Haldan Road/Dwellers Ford, Chingford

Project Status: Completed

Service: Fire Engineering

CDC was appointed by Clear Architects to providing Fire Engineering services to their stilt river houses development. The project will regenerate a derelict area in Chingford.

Our services were required on RIBA stages 2 to 4. We developed a solution for the lack of access for fire service vehicles including the existing parking location for fire vehicles exceeding the distance specified with the current fire safety guidance.

Our suggestion was to provide a horizontal fire main from the fire service location to a position within the development which would allow fire fighting hose distances to be kept to within 45m.

This solution was acceptable to the local planning authority and approval was granted on this basis.

You can read more about the Chingford riverside ‘tree houses’ in the Architects’ Journal article and on Clear Architects’ website.