Having worked hard to build an excellent workplace culture and flexibility at work; we have achieved Flexa Accreditation for second year in a row.

See our results!

Flexa Careers are the only accreditation for flexibility within the workplace. It lets candidates know that we are truly flexible employer whilst holding ourselves accountable and upholding our principles.

To achieve this we issued an employee survey to get vital feedback on the core qualifying principles. This includes; Location freedom, working hours flexibility, benefits satisfaction, work-life balance, role modelling and work autonomy and we scored a brilliant 88%. Employees said they felt truly supported to work flexibly at CDC Limited and enjoyed the work-life balance. For perspective 40% of companies fail the employee survey.

To ensure flexibility at work some of what we offer includes:

Our Culture

We are really proud of the workplace culture we have worked hard to create.  

We believe an employee led work-place strategy represents the core of who Cahill Design Consultants are.

It ensures our staff work in a safe, transparent, and inclusive environment where they feel supported carrying out their day to day job.  

As a business we reject negative aspects of work culture that could alienate and negatively impact the mental health of our team.  

We’re not all talk either!  

As our team has grown, likewise has our support.

We wanted to provide our team with across the board support that was free, confidential and of the highest quality.

Therefore we have introduced a comprehensive Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). Markedly, this gives the entire team access to a wealth of valuable resources to tackle physical & mental health support.

So, whether it’s CBT therapy, legal advice, financial & debt support, help with caregiving and addiction or stress management, the EAP acts as an additional safety net for our staff.   

If you are interested in working with us – check out our careers page and send us your CV.